40+ Hilarious Men That Know How to Keep Things Light

Reddit // u/CloudBerriess

Sometimes, you just need a little humor in your day to bring some levity to the situation or just to give you a break from the humdrum of your weekly routine. These men all knew how to keep every day interesting and light with some hilarious gestures. Keep reading and we’ll show you some that left us in stitches!

New Home Décor

There are some things that you have to do just to make yourself laugh when you’re decorating your home. After all, how do you relax if you take yourself too seriously?

Reddit // u/mandal0re

That’s something that this man wasn’t worried about. In fact, he had the perfect idea for a new art piece in his home. We only wish that we could see how his wife reacted or how long it took her to notice.

What a Memorable Moment

There are some moments in life that you might just not be able to hide the fact that you really aren’t enjoying yourself. This little guy just wasn’t feeling picture day that day.

Reddit // u/wrud4d

As a grown man, the photo kind of makes him cringe, but his family is determined to keep the Kindergarten photo up for decades after it was originally snapped. Honestly, this is one of the most memorable yearbook photos we’ve seen, so maybe he actually took a great picture.

A Few Hot Shots

As you get older, you start to learn what’s actually appreciated by your partners — and that can change depending on where you are in life at the moment!

Reddit // u/The_Craig1986

This guy knew what he needed to do to keep his wife interested while she was on a trip away from home. It wasn’t all about abs and Hollywood-like features but the promise of a clean home and cookies that he knew would draw her in.

It’s All in the Editing

You want your partner to help you celebrate your achievements. Of course, how they do that might vary from person to person, just like how you might like to be celebrated.

Reddit // u/zachirino

This man did it with a sense of humor. Seeing a great opportunity with pictures from his wife’s first 5k, he got to work making sure that she knew that she would fit well into any action sequence. He wasn’t short on scene ideas, either.

Green Flags

You hear a lot about watching out for red flags when you’re dating. However, sometimes, it’s really nice to sit back and see all the green flags your partner waves.

Reddit // u/rodironcandle

They say that if your pets like someone, it’s a pretty good sign that they aren’t a walking red flag. We have to say, it looks like these cats are pretty big fans of this person’s boyfriend, so does he get a green flag for each of them in this hilarious and wholesome sleeping position?

Time for School!

We often think of school happening at certain ages in our lives. Take, for instance, certain educational milestones like starting Kindergarten.

Reddit // u/Snipsthetips

Then again, on the other hand, you can start school as an adult if you’re after higher education. That gave this family the unique opportunity for this photo. We like the comedic touch that this husband added by switching the lunchboxes and adding a cartoonishly childish hat.

She Fits Just Right

If you’ve ever had a cat, you know that they manage to find spaces that they just fit into and make it their new favorite spot.

Reddit // u/bluecedarood

So, we aren’t too surprised to see this kitten curled up in the Styrofoam packing for something else. We have to say, though, this guy has a point. She fits so perfectly in this spot that you’d think that it was made for her! According to him, maybe it was.

On Air

While we’re talking about cats, we have one man who makes the list not only for his creativity with this joke but the engineering that went into it.

Twitter // @hamstertalk

Not only does this “On Air” sign light up every time this cat does his business, but this man also rigged up a motion sensor to make sure that the light cut on right when they needed it. Honestly, we have to give him points for real determination with this joke.

Time in the Pool

No one said that you have to leave fun behind when you grow into adulthood. In fact, then you have the chance to practically do whatever you want.

Reddit // u/dawn7c

This guy wasn’t about to let the fact that there were no kids around stop him from enjoying a chance to enjoy a kiddie pool on a hot day. As a matter of fact, with the money of an adult, you have even more opportunity to follow whims like this.

Supporting Him No Matter What

We love our pets, even if we don’t always understand why they do what they do. At the end of the day, we just want them to live their best lives.

Reddit // u/minniesmom55

This guy wasn’t going to let it stop his kitten if his dream was to fight something on the ceiling, even if he’s a pretty small cat himself. It seems like this nighttime routine is a chance to bond and an opportunity for a fight this cat wouldn’t turn down.

Everyone Loves a Bubble Bath

If you take life too seriously, it’s easy to find yourself getting stressed and burning out. So, you have to find a way to relax that suits you.

Imgur // IAlwaysUpvoteAlwaysSunny

Sometimes, you’re just so happy that you can’t keep it to yourself either. It was the giggling that led someone to find him here, as happy as a clam and covered in bubbles. Who said bubble baths aren’t for everyone?

Ready for Anything

There are some things that you see in someone’s car that you might not even think twice about. Their registration in their glove box or a phone charger in the console makes sense.

Reddit // u/strvncrtoonst

Then again, there are definitely a few things that can make you do a double-take. In this case, it wasn’t anything too sinister but rather something that suggests that this guy is up to funny, harmless pranks while he listens to his favorite wacky parodies.

He’s Just Having Fun

There are some museums where you have to be quiet and respectful, like art or history museums. Science museums, on the other hand, are often more interactive.

Reddit // u/rachelmaryl

You might think of them as something for kids, but really, even adults can have a lot of fun with basic science experiments. This guy knew that, if nothing else, he had an opportunity to take the comedic photo of a lifetime with one of the exhibits.

Where Did They Go?

Sometimes, you get an “A” for effort, but when it comes to results, you might not stick to the landing every time.

Reddit // u/nikkicocaine

This guy was pretty sure he remembered going to the store and buying tampons, so it was a real mystery when they couldn’t find them anywhere later that night. Well, maybe he just knew she’d want a frozen snack later with them, even if this isn’t the most practical place for them.

Funny and Romantic

There are some things that you look at right away, and you might not see what’s so romantic about it. Can a bag of nail clippers really move you? The way he showed it was hilarious — we’ll give him that.

Reddit // u/PurpleDuck11

However, what seems to be the sweetest part of this is in the story. He knows exactly what this person needs and wants to make sure that he can do what he can to reduce their stress by providing it!

Long Live the King

If you want to see something with a sense of humor and are feeling lost, you might just need to shake up your perspective a bit.

Reddit // u/supersamness

We bet that these are usually really cute magnets -—and they still are! That being said, they also look a bit too much like one of the most tragic scenes from the Disney movies of our youth. It was a bit of spring cleaning that gave them this perspective.

It’s Called Fashion

There’s something to be said about the amount of freedom that fashion gives you to express yourself and show off your personality without having to say a single thing.

Reddit // u/Nitiyama

That includes everything from your outfits to the accessories you wear and carry on you. This one really catches our eye and makes us love this man’s sense of humor and fashion. We’re mostly caught by how zoomed in the cat face is on this wallet.

Art Worth Showing Off

We all have little pieces of décor that we like to show off and put on a shelf in our living room, bedroom, or wherever you find fits them best.

Reddit // u/dinoaids

On the other hand, we haven’t all found a piece worthy of putting on a pedestal like our home has a little art museum in the corner. No matter what this person thought, this boyfriend was sure he’d found the perfect thing to make this platform really shine.

He Was Lost!

Now that we all have our phones, it’s not often that you find yourself lost and completely out of touch with someone.

Pexels // Olga Dieterle

We guess this guy was tired of wandering the aisles and wasn’t interested in waiting in the car. To be honest, though, this image would make for a pretty funny visual when you finally got to the register to find out what the announcement was possibly about.

Time for a Pajama Party

If you’re having a bad day, sometimes it can really turn it around if someone goes the extra mile to genuinely cheer you up.

Reddit // u/charliesday

As for this couple, this man found a way that he can make his wife laugh, even if she’s having a really rough day. To be fair, who would be able to stay sad looking at this guy all comfy in bed and dressed up to boot?

The Magic of Science

We’ve already covered this but it bears repeating that there’s a lot of fun to be had at interactive science museums. This is another man who knows how to create a great photo opportunity with the help of a little science.

Reddit // u/Mofomania

While this guy’s hair wasn’t about to stand on end, his son’s would. Honestly, it’s a pretty hilarious picture, helped along by this kid’s surprised face.

Wishing Everyone a Merry Christmas

A lot of people celebrate Christmas and want to share the joy that the holiday brings them with the people around them. That’s what leads a lot of families to send out Christmas cards to spread holiday cheer to friends and loved ones.

Reddit // u/[deleted]

When this family sat down to come up with a design, though, this guy took a humorous approach that definitely made us laugh but didn’t beat out the competition with his wife and kids for the card they’d send out that year.

He Did His Best

You want to make your kids’ birthdays fun and memorable. Then again, there are definitely times when things don’t go to plan.

Reddit // u/vab0618

The good news is that everything was just fine at the end of this situation. In the moment, though, this dad might have placed the candles a smidge too close to one another. We have to wonder how long this took for the whole family to blow out.

He Also Did His Best

It can be really annoying to have a smudge on your wall. We’ve all had the moment of sitting there, trying to focus, but our eye is drawn to some distracting imperfection.

Twitter // @fairycakes

So, this boyfriend set to work scrubbing it away. Well, that was the idea, at least. We have to give him points for trying, but the result might be much worse than just a smudge on the wall.

Working From Home

There are a lot of benefits to having the chance to work from home. For one, you get a lot more wiggle room in the office dress code.

Twitter // @aileenlee

Of course, dressing to your comfort is different for everyone. We have to ask, though — did he have this ordered and sent to his house just for this joke? Or has he had this for years, just waiting for the right moment to break it out? Is this job-related?

A Man on a Mission

There aren’t many things that would tempt you to start literally climbing the walls like this man. Honestly, it’s almost equally impressive as it is concerning.

Reddit // u/Doctorspiper

Once you notice what’s encouraging him to keep climbing higher, you can really see where he’s coming from. Who among us hasn’t gone the extra mile to bother their cats when they were clearly having a great time chilling by themselves? Who could resist a cute face like that?

Any Horror Fans Out There?

This is one of those jokes that you might not want to do to just anyone. After all, there are plenty of people who might be sent into a panic by a site like this.

Reddit // u/inhugzwetrust

Chucky is made to be a pretty creepy figure, after all. He’s even scarier when you’re just trying to do something peaceful, like watching the birds. We’re going to guess that this husband isn’t included in the next bird-watching endeavor.

On Candid Photography

We all have different strengths and weaknesses in life, so we can’t really blame someone for not being that interested in or skilled at photography.

Twitter // @annaclendening

Still, that doesn’t mean it isn’t just the slightest bit frustrating but mostly hilarious to see comparisons like this side-by-side. It’s easy to see that these images come from two different photographers, aside from their subjects. At some point, we wonder if she ever managed to get the picture that she wanted.

Just a Little Dress Up

Listen, we all get a little weird with our pets when we’re entertaining ourselves and our pets around the house. Why not? Your cat or dog isn’t going to judge you!

Reddit // u/ChompYoFaceOff

Of course, pets are also a great way to make your partner laugh, so why not take on both of these concepts at once? This guy was no stranger to whipping up an alias for his cat but this one might have this person worried that their boyfriend was trying to keep the aliens at bay.

He Did Do What You Asked

If you need to find your foundation color at the store, you can’t always just whip it out and put it on your face, too. So, you test the color on your wrist or hand.

Twitter // @badgalariii

We guess that these two had a similar skin tone and she was trying to discern the best option. He did follow her command to the letter but we’re not so sure that this is what she meant.

This Sign Won’t Stop Me, I Can’t Read

When you’re dealing with animals or insects around your home, you have a lot of options as to how you want to deter them.

Reddit // u/CatVideoFest

This is great because there are plenty of people out there who don’t want to resort to lethal methods to get rid of them. That being said, we aren’t so sure that the squirrels are able to read at all, much less in human English. It was worth a shot, though.

This Might Be Dangerous

There are a few things that you might get frustrated with on a day-to-day basis. Planning to do something only to realize you’re missing one of the key items you need is a universal experience.

Twitter // @seasonal_menu

There are plenty of substitutes you can use when you’re in a pinch but we’re not so sure that we’d recommend this one. While it looks effective enough, we’re not sure we want a set of razors only secured with office tape.

He’s Just Trying to Help Out

It’s not uncommon for our older loved ones to sometimes have trouble recognizing what exactly new technology is trying to communicate to them. Can you blame them?

Reddit // u/shinjirarehen

Think about all the advancements, even in just the last three decades! When this guy’s mother-in-law was a little confused about an emoticon she’d never seen before, he knew exactly how to make it clear to her and make all of us laugh.

A Modern Artist

What sets an artist apart from the average person? Well, some would say it’s how they see the world around them.

Reddit // u/walmartia

After all, how can you create such great pieces of art without seeing inspiration in the world around you? This guy might have passed that bar for being an artist, even if his medium was incredibly unconventional. We just hope that this isn’t a permanent fixture in their shower!

Sometimes It’s Just a Simple Laugh

Not every joke has to take a lot of work and thinking to get a laugh out of the people around you. Sometimes, you just need to look at things from a slightly different angle.

Twitter // @daniihorror

That’s something that this couple took quite literally, and we have to say, it worked out well enough to make us let out a laugh! Typically, you get scared of Michael Myers and his towering, terrifying image, but she looks a little easier to outrun.

A Difference of Opinion

Even simple instructions can be a little confusing if they aren’t detailed enough to let everyone know that they’re on the same page. Look at this, for example!

Twitter // @zfcyanide

When an event calls for casual attire, which one of these outfits do you fall under? We do have to wonder, though, what were they going to? Did the event itself give them a clue as to how “casual” they could be?

It Was Certainly an Attempt

There are some terms that seem really self-explanatory when you’re used to seeing them all the time. For instance, we can kind of see where this guy wasn’t going.

Reddit // u/Rainbow62993

While he didn’t quite get it, we see how if you knew the name alone, you’d think that maybe you’re supposed to line the whole eye. Then again, did he sit back at any point and think that this look is a bit different than her usual one?

Does This Work?

There are some frustrations that might annoy you once in a while, but not enough to go out of your way to fix it.

Reddit // u/[deleted]

Well, this guy wasn’t about to buy new bowls just to never have to fish the spoon out of the milk and cereal ever again. That, or have the spoon fling a mess everywhere as it falls out of the bowl. He found all it took to help avoid it was a clothespin!

Adding a Little Romance

Sometimes, you just want to spice up your weekend with a little romance with your partner. While you might agree on romance, you might disagree on what constitutes a romantic night.

Reddit // u/CloudBerriess

If we’ve learned anything from Hollywood, though, it’s that a rainy scene can really get a love story moving alone — we’re looking at you, The Notebook. Then again, it doesn’t sound nearly as fun to “enjoy” soggy pizza while we’re soaked through in the rain.

It’s Been a Little Plane

When you’re sick, sometimes the best course of action is to eat something a little plain and simple to give your stomach a break. We guess they do also say that “laughter is the best medicine” as well.

Twitter // @debbsboyd

This guy was trying to do something nice, but he just couldn’t resist a visual pun when it came to him. It would make us laugh if we were feeling down!

Not a Moment Alone

As you get older and live with other people, pets, and kids, it can feel like it’s really hard to get a moment alone, even if it’s just to go to the bathroom.

Reddit // u/xxnancyyxx

The good news is that your partner is almost always there for you to help give you a break and take a load off. On the contrary, the rest of the time, your partner might just be joining in on the antics that keep you on your toes.

They Get Along So Well

Introducing your boyfriend to your family can always be a bit nerve-wracking. Luckily, a good sense of humor can really help out here. That goes not only for your human family but your feline family members, too.

Reddit // u/Arsenicyellow

To be fair, they can sometimes be even harder to impress! So, it’s a pretty glaring green flag to see these two with such an unbreakable bond. Look at these comedians!

Getting Really Creative

We’ve already seen a few men get pretty creative and make things work when they realize that they don’t have everything they need.

Imgur // Kwantumflux

Like the other people we’ve looked at here, this person wasn’t afraid to get a little creative and break out those old order of operations lessons in math class. This one would have us laughing and leave us pretty impressed!

They’re Very Advanced

Working together to co-parent is one thing that would make having triplets a lot easier. After all, that’s a lot of work and might really shock you when you learn you’re having so many!

Reddit // u/johnsbuffalo

Still, it might feel nerve-wracking the first time one of you is alone with all three of them. That was something that this dad knew how to tackle with a sense of humor. Plus, they’re going to be really advanced when it comes to board games at this rate!

A Laugh in the Kitchen

There are some people who manage to create chaos even with the things that are there to help you create a sense of order and organization.

Reddit // u/whit1and

We have to admit, though, this is a lot more fun and makes us laugh a lot harder than expected. Plus, we wonder how far he went with this joke. How long was this person finding literally labeled things around their home after this label spree?