Just Checking
It can be quite challenging when you think that your significant other is stepping out. You do a lot of crazy things like calling random numbers and accusing them of being the other culprit in this situation.

But the fact that this person goes on and asks these very personal questions and insinuates a whole new relationship with this person, who they don’t even really know, is just a little creepy.
Good Memory
A few people in your life are special and it is a requirement for you to remember to wish them a happy birthday. The biggest of those, and the person on the top of that list, is always your mom.

The only question we really have is why this person doesn’t have his mom’s right number? It seems like there’s something a little weird going on here. But hey, at least he might have made a new friend!
Tell the Story
Sometimes, the message sent out can be quite interesting, especially when the sender is in an emergency situation. That’s especially true if it gets sent to the wrong phone number. There are so many questions that we have about this text message.

The truth is, we can understand how this wrong number feels because we want the back story too! It seems like it could be a heck of a tale!
Doing Time
It’s one thing to get the wrong number and have a conversation and then part ways, but sometimes, people just take this one step too far. This guy is actually trying to hit on this girl even though he doesn’t know her, whatsoever.

Though we have to say we give him credit for being courageous, it’s also quite creepy and something that he should have just restrained himself from doing.
Not Coming In
It’s always nice when someone from work sends you the schedule for the following week. This allows you to get everything set up and plan your week out. Also, it helps that you know that you can get to your job on time.

But this guy is not the sharpest crayon in the box for sure. After all, he dialed the number, yet he is still trying to argue with the person. We probably would have just stopped messaging him if we had been the other person.
Making Plans
It’s cool when friends get together and hang out on the weekend. The fact that this guy was trying to hook his buddies up with a cool nightly activity is awesome! Even better, it seems like he made a new friend.

Sometimes, we think the universe just puts things in our path so that we can head down a new one. This guy had no plans, and now he does! What a great misunderstanding!
Wrong Name
When you’re out for the night frequently, you wind up getting a few numbers. If you haven’t been abstaining from adult beverages, this sometimes can lead to you having some pretty awkward conversations when you decide to text those numbers.

Though it’s a little creepy, the best thing about this whole interaction is the response from the wrong number. But maybe this is the guy’s type, which could lead to a much creepier conversation.
It baffles us how someone can have the wrong number and then act like they’re the person who was injured in this situation. The person seemed like they were just trying to be nice and understanding, and then the guy got really hurt.

In the end, though, the wrong number got the last laugh, and what a last laugh it was! The truth will set you free, but it can also hurt sometimes.
Inner Dialogue
Sometimes when you’re trying to hook up with someone, being playful can be quite a good way to get started. But if someone tells you that you have the wrong number and you continue to do it, that just becomes creepy.

This guy just didn’t understand he was talking to the wrong person and continued to send creepy and slightly unnerving messages. Talk about desperate and very sad!
All in Good Humor
It can be very tempting when you get a wrong number to just go along with the situation and act like you are the person they wanted to text. When you do this, though, you have to hope that the person on the other end has got a good sense of humor.

This whole interaction went on for way too long but ended up being quite humorous. A little strange and maybe creepy, but at least everybody got a good chuckle.
When you’re a couple, sometimes, you’ll send messages back and forth that are a little playful, in order to keep things exciting. You just hope that these messages go to the right person; otherwise, there may be some concerns and questions from the recipient of the text.

We’re kind of with this person, though! Who exactly was this meant for? We certainly hope it’s someone they’re already in a relationship with because this is not a way to pick somebody up!
Not the Problem
It baffles us how even when someone knows it’s the wrong number, they continue to deliver too much information. This person was clearly told he had the wrong number and still went on to describe a part of his body that maybe he shouldn’t have been talking about with a stranger.

So we think that the person he is talking to is absolutely right; there’s probably a good reason why Ashly gave him the wrong number!
Later Skater
It can be frustrating when you’ve really chatted with someone and you get their number only to find out they’ve given you the wrong number! So we can see why this guy might be a little upset, but why was he angry with the person he’s talking to?

After all, it seems like they just wanted to try to be friends but, clearly, saw why the guy might have gotten a wrong number in the first place.
Not the Person You’re Looking For
It’s one thing to send a message to the wrong number once, but if you do it again, then that’s just asking for some problems. This guy was very adamant that he had the right number and was looking to meet up with this person.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like the other person was really interested in getting together. And because of the second message, we can understand why!
How Old?
It takes a lot of courage to text someone and see if they’re willing to get together. Suppose you happen to send that text to the wrong person, though, it could lead to a little bit of embarrassment and maybe lost opportunities.

But this guy was trying to make the best out of a bad situation, and he just took it a little too far in our minds. But you can be the judge of where you think it landed.
Just a Reminder
A friend who reaches out to give you gentle reminders to help your relationships is a great friend. We think the advice this person gave is good advice for anyone. Therefore, the fact that the misdialed number took the advice is great!

After all, getting flowers for your significant other can be a good move even when it’s not a special day. However, it could lead to some questions as well!
Repeat Offender
It’s hard for us to understand why you would get a wrong number message and then come back to it hours later and use the same number. If the number wasn’t right the first time, it’s not going to be right the second time.

On top of that, this guy insulted the person he was messaging! But we do appreciate the recipient’s response as it seems to be taking it all in stride.
What Is This?!
There are so many questions that go through our minds when we see this text message. But probably the biggest question in our minds is that of the recipient of this wrong message.

Who thinks that this is a great thing to send anybody? And who is the person they were sending it to? Because that person is just as creepy as this person is!
Good Job
Sometimes people just want a pat on the back for a job well done. It doesn’t necessarily have to be from someone they know. This person, who sent their grades to the wrong number, got a little bit of admiration – despite there being no relationship between these two individuals.

It’s very cool that this person didn’t react strangely. After all, this is a kid trying to share their grades with someone, so it was better suited that they just played nice.
Just a Warning
What type of warning is this person giving the other person?! We’re not sure what exactly is going on here, but we can definitely understand why the person would be eager to understand a little bit more about what was going on in this mistakenly sent text message.

What really sucks is that this person will never know what this text meant! That’s got to be killing them every day! We know it’s like an itch we can’t scratch, right?!
Like Tuna!
Just like with anything, it’s not great to text when you’re angry. Sometimes that leads to mean messages and things that you wish you could take back once you’ve sent them.

We don’t know what Priscilla did, but clearly, there is a problem, and she stinks like tuna. This is kind of a weak jab, but whatever works for you! We would be pretty confused and a little interested in knowing the story behind this text.
All Praise Him
Sometimes, text messages can only be understood by people who were there in the moment. If we received this text, we’d be pretty interested and not at all creeped out. Well, maybe a little creeped out, but we’d still think it was pretty funny!

At least the person who got the wrong text took it in stride. But we do wonder why he didn’t ask if he could join in? He definitely should have!
A Great Gift
It’s hard when you lose somebody during the holidays. So although this was a wrong message, it seems to have given this woman a little bit of comfort and hope, and that’s always a nice thing.

We certainly hope that this person texted her back and kind of kept a good conversation going with her to help her through the holidays. That would just be in the spirit of the season!
That’s So Cheesy
There are certain recipes that you have to have the right cheese for. But because there are so many different cheeses, maybe you forget one. So, you contact your best friend who knows the cheese you’re looking for.

But then you’re denied because you have the wrong number! This is tragic but the person tried to help him out a little bit, and it seems like he got the right cheese!
Tough Time
Technology makes it super easy to keep everybody up to date on things that are happening in your life. Sometimes, it helps people through hard situations so that they can stay connected to the ones they love.

So it’s cool that these guys who got the wrong message still reacted in a pleasant way. It seems to have really helped boost the mood of these two and was just a good thing to do.
That’s Odd
We’re not sure that if we got this wrong message, we would even be willing to tell them that it was the wrong number. Because then we’d have to ask them what this is and why that would be something they’d want to do!

This is definitely an interesting pastime, and one we’re not sure should be attempted by most people. But they do look happy, so maybe it’s fun!
Someone’s Princess
It’s always nice when someone has a term of endearment for you that makes you feel good about yourself. Maybe it doesn’t even matter if you know the person, just actually being called that word could make your day.

This interaction might seem a little creepy to some, but it’s very romantic to us. And we would love to have a text like this appear on our phones!
We Found Out!
It always sucks when you’re close to someone and you’re the last to know that something major has happened to them. So we could understand this person’s aggressive and angry texts to the person who they thought did them wrong.

At least the person on the other end didn’t react aggressively and just took it with a grain of salt. Clearly, they could see that there was some anger behind it, and for good reason.
Wonder Woman?
Sometimes, it’s not so creepy but more humorous when you get a text from someone you have no attachment to. Though this doesn’t necessarily give off a creepy vibe, the opening line is simply hilarious.

It makes you want to ask why he calls this person Wonder Woman? The only thing we have an issue with is the fact that this wasn’t the first question from the other person!
Kiss and Forget
We all like to think that when we meet someone and spend any type of romantic time with them, we are memorable. So when we text them to follow up with the interaction, we expect them to remember us.

But if they weren’t the ones we actually spent time with, how are they supposed to remember? This guy just got served by another guy. There was some sympathy in the end, and that’s a good thing to see.
Don’t Think So
Sometimes, when you’re out and about, you see things that make you think of people. Because of the technology we have nowadays, we’re able to snap a photo and send it to the person to show them that we’re thinking about them, whether it be in a humorous or a nostalgic way.

But when you send it to the wrong person, you’re bound to get a fun answer back! At least these guys had a good laugh about it, and though it might have been creepy at first, it ended up being quite humorous.
Motherly Advice
No matter how old you are, you want to reach out to your mother and get their advice whenever something goes wrong. Having your mom help you through these tragedies or incidents can make a big difference.

But you have to get the right mother! It’s nice that this mom, who clearly has a motherly spirit, is still willing to help a kid that’s not even hers.
Auto Correct
Almost all of us have been undone by auto-correct at some point during our texting careers. That special feature, that’s supposed to be so helpful, sometimes makes things a little more awkward, and sometimes, creepier than they should be.

We can understand this guy is confused. Obviously, it may not have been the wrong number, but it was definitely the wrong message sent during this process.
So Creepy!
We don’t even know what to say when we see this image. If this came across our phones, we would be pretty taken aback for sure. At least the person quickly realized they sent it to the wrong number before any questions were asked.

That being said, we still have a few questions, and if it were us, these questions would be sent rather quickly. It can’t just be us, though, right?!
Lost and Found
It seems to be a running theme that people don’t have the right number for their mother. This could be a whole different problem that needs to be addressed. Why do these kids not have their parents’ correct numbers?

It’s a good thing that this person texted another mother because that lent a different level of empathy and sympathy to the conversation. Plus, she checked back up on them, which is always nice!
A Bro and His Cats
Persistence can be a virtue. Being adamant that you stick to something, and ride it out to the end of the process, is a great quality to have. However, when someone repeatedly tells you that you’re talking to the wrong person, it’s time to give up.

Also, we do understand why this guy is wondering how many cats this gentleman has because we would be a little worried for them, as well.
Wiper Issues
Having car difficulties can be very challenging, no matter who you are. They can be quite frustrating because you’re never quite sure how long these things are going to take to get fixed.

But just because you’re unsure doesn’t mean that you can go all stormtrooper on somebody! This conversation went from normal to creepy and then crazy, real quick, and there is no explanation why.
Google It
Like everyone else, doctors tend to text each other to help out with certain cases. But what do they do if they get the wrong number? Well, if you’re this guy, you get a person who can Google things and give you a good answer.

Not only did this woman give them a good answer but a good enough answer that she thought she could ask for a job! Strange, but hey, take the opportunities that come your way!
Thumbs Up
Choosing a dress for any type of function can be very stressful. If you don’t have someone there to help guide you or give you suggestions, it can be a long and stressful process.

But with modern technology, why not send a picture? You just have to hope that you send it to the right person – or to this family that feels that even if it’s the wrong number, they should give some sort of support.
Just an Opinion
Sometimes, when you’re angry, you text things that are not only blunt but maybe even a little mean. If you’re in a certain mood, it won’t matter who answers the message on the other end, they’re going to be the enemy either way.

This person has clearly had a bad day, and we hope that the person on the other end that got the wrong message understands that. Sometimes, you just have to let things go!
Give the Number
Getting the phone number of someone you used to be in school with can lead to many different things. You might reconnect and build a new friendship, or you might just be able to get some things off your back that you’ve wanted to say for years.

If you’re going to do it, though, make sure you send it to the right person. And if you don’t send it to the right person, don’t ask them what number is the right number. They clearly don’t know!
Support System
When you get a text that says something like “I’m here for you,” it probably makes you feel pretty good. But if you’re going to respond, make sure that you know who it’s coming from and that you just haven’t ordered an Uber!

If you don’t, you could wind up like this person, feeling kind of embarrassed and having a car ride to deal with it. We honestly could not imagine being in this position.
Craigslist Has It All
There are many different websites where you can buy and trade things. But the first, and most popular, is always going to be Craigslist. However, many people don’t realize exactly what you can get on Craigslist.

The person who got a wrong number text message learned the answer to what you can get on Craigslist, very quickly. And apparently, the list includes cows!
Making Friends?
Sometimes, wrong numbers don’t necessarily turn out to be creepy. Sometimes, they turn out to be quite a pleasant conversation and one that may lead to new friendships. That’s what we assume happened, here!

This guy seems to understand where the other person is coming from and wants to be of help. If you ask us, it’s always nice to talk with someone who understands your trials and tribulations.
Use the Force
Though not creepy in the traditional sense, it’s quite strange to get this text from someone. Of course, if they are a Star Wars fan, then we can understand their passion for Obi-Wan Kenobi but we’re pretty sure that he’s not a religious figure.

But hey, the person who got the wrong number message seems to go along with it, so maybe they found kindred spirits purely by accident!
Even with today’s technology, people still send messages, and phone calls, to the wrong person all the time. Sometimes nothing comes of this, and other times there can be some pretty strange conversations that come from this situation. It might not be funny at the moment, but looking back on it, there are definitely a few chuckles to be had when this occurs. From a stranger wishing you a Happy Birthday to receiving unsolicited pictures from creeps, we’ve compiled the creepiest and most hilarious accidental texts.